jueves, 2 de julio de 2015

Measles the ill

The illnes measles, also called rubeola, is a highly contagious respiratory infection that's caused by a virusand this is caused by a epidemic of measles, many deaths and the most commun by transmiting.

 It can be transmit by snessing, coughing, close personal contact.; the first symptoms are usually a hacking cough, runny nose, high fever, and red eyes The measles rash breaks out 3-5 days after symptoms start, and can coincide with high fevers up to 104°F (40°C). The red or reddish-brown rash usually first shows up as flat red spots on the forehead. It spreads to the rest of the face, then down the neck and torso to the arms, legs, and feet. The fever and rash gradually go away after a few days.

 The people that are more weak to this ill are children over 5 years and adults over 20 years. the most effective way to prevent it is to take a injection of measles. The bad is that is not a antibiotic to destroy this ill, but you can give someone with this ill vitmain A and it has save like 50% peoole with measles, because this vitamin helps the eyes to be good, he or she should drink plenty of fluids, get lots of rest, and be kept from spreading the infection to others. Because this ill damge too much eyes and it can produce death by the infection of eye and go to the brain.

Do yo know that in United Statesdeath rates have been falling worldwide as more children receive the measles vaccine, the disease still kills more than 100,000 people a year, most under the age of 5.
As a result of high vaccination rates, measles has not been widespread in the United States for more than a decade. Today, the United States averages about 60 cases of measles a year, and most of them originate outside the country.

domingo, 21 de junio de 2015

Transforming body heat into electricity.

A new nanotechnology converts body heat into energy
We would never be drawn when our mobile battery runs out. Corey Hewitt, graduated student, avoided a promising new technology called Power Felt, a thermoelectric device that converts body heat into an electrical current, can generate enough energy to make another call simply by touching it. This he invented in a Nanotechnology lab.

The idea of converting the human body’s energy into electricity has tantalized scientists for years. A resting male can put out between 100 and 120 watts of energy, in theory enough to power many of the electronics you use, such as your Nintendo Wii (14 watts), your cellphone (about 1 watt) and your laptop (45 watts). Eighty percent of body power is given off as excess heat. But only in sci-fi fantasies such as the Matrix film series do you see complete capture of this reliable power source.

Current technology for converting body heat into electricity is capable of producing only a few milliwatts (one thousandth of a Watt), which is enough for small things such as heart rate monitors and watches.